O-Ring Sealing Fasteners SS71440I9N8G
Brand detail
Long Lok's self-locking and self-sealing fastener processes have helped engineers solve threaded component fastening problems for more than 50 years. Long Lok, LLC was founded in 1957, in Los Angeles. Its initial mission was to exploit its newly-developed Long Lok? process, which used a thin nylon strip to make a male-threaded fastener self-locking. At that time, this technology's primary application was in the aerospace industry, where the risk of bolts shaking loose was unacceptably high. Long Lok has been known -- from the beginning -- as the company engineers count on to solve their vibration problems. In the ensuing years, Long Lok pioneered a variety of self-locking and self-sealing processes, resulting in the 9 varieties we offer today.
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